Seven years ago, my friends and I went to an amusement park and like any other young child, I couldn’t wait to ride every single rollercoaster there was. I loved each one, irrespective of the number of loops it had or how fast it went. However, this changed when I got on one called the drop-tower. As the name suggests, it was a monstrous tower that carries riders up in a gondola to the top of the tower and then suddenly the gondola drops down. In seconds, it dropped me 100 feet down in the air, as I heard the echoes of a hundred-people screaming. It was so dramatic. The fact that there was only a harness protecting me from falling to my death terrified me. It accelerated down so fast, twelve-year-old me felt like it was going to come crashing down and hurt everyone on it which led to my …show more content…
I learned that falling isn’t always necessarily bad. Instead, it can be something awe-inspiring if you let it be. I also understood that failure isn’t something to be scared of, it’s something you learn from and make sure you don’t repeat the same mistakes. It might be just another recreational activity for everyone, but to me, it helped me recognize my real fears, my potential and my ability to overcome challenges, irrespective of how frightened I might be. Most of all, I acknowledged the fact that I can push myself to greater lengths, than I could ever envision and that I’m braver than I thought I was. Parasailing is something I’ll always be proud of – so, I went back to take pictures, it’ll never do justice to what I felt but it captured a very special view that reminds me of my ‘once-in-a-lifetime