Dr. Mehta
PSYC 3470
09 Nov. 2014
Paper 4: Perfectionism Article Summary
I. Introduction
Throughout my academic career, I have always wanted to know the causes and effects of perfectionism associated with my ethnic group. Therefore, I decided to read the article titled, “Perfectionism in African American Students: Relationship to Racial Identity, GPA, Self-esteem, and Depression,” written by Professor Audrey Elion and her fellow colleagues. Overall, the article provided some insightful information on the relationship between different degrees of perfectionism, racial perceptions, and other variables associated with an individual’s academic achievement. Therefore, I want to share a few key points about the article with my audience, …show more content…
The test subscales in the survey included: the revised version of the Almost Perfect Scale, The Cross-Racial Identity Scale, The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, and the Center of Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale. Also, the racial identity categories in the survey included: the Pre-Encounter (miseducation and self-hatred) Immersion/Emersion (racial bias, anger, and confusion), and Internalization (healthy cultural worldview) stages. After the researchers finished making the test, they contacted the Black undergraduate organizations of the two public, predominantly white institutions that would be used in the study. Overall, the researchers were able to find 219 undergraduate, African American college students willing to participate in their study. The university 's African American population and their geographical territories would serve as the independent variables. Before they administered the test, the researchers informed the students that the study survey would take less than an hour to complete, and they would be paid $5 afterwards. Then, the students proceeded to complete the …show more content…
The present study reproduced similar conclusions as the previous studies. It turns out that adaptive perfectionism is positively correlated with higher self-esteem, broader racial views, lower depression levels, and higher GPAs. On the contrary, maladaptive perfectionism was positively associated with lower self-esteem, distorted racial views, and higher depression levels. Throughout the study, the non-perfectionist group tended to fall in between the adaptive and maladaptive score range. Despite the inconsistent GPA variable in both the previous and the present studies, the adaptive perfectionists did tend to fare better off than both the maladaptive and non-perfectionists in an academic setting. Therefore, the researchers’ hypothesis was