Panthers Alternate Ending

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“Now, like I said before, don’t struggle,” he breaths in my ear. “I would very much like to keep you safe and sound, but if you continue to fight, I will hurt you.”
I listen to him, because I know he’s telling the truth. I can hear it in his voice. He doesn’t want to hurt me, not yet at least. I just have to wait for the moment when he slips up and that’s when I attack. He forces me around the corner to stand in front of the crowd. “The trade is off,” he exclaims.
Thorn and Felix turn with frowns on their face. I can see Thorn slowly going for her gun and her body is slightly turned to the men behind her. She’s ready for a fight. Felix looks at me and then my attacker with controlled fury. “Let her go, Jagger,” he threatens. “Let her go
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His grip tightens and I gasp, focusing on my breathing. I’m not going to be any good, if I pass out. “I don’t see why you want me to let her go unless…”
“The mechanic,” Panther exclaims, excited. “Nice work, brother.” So, this is Panther’s brother. Great.
“Since when have you worked for the Reds, Jagger? Last time I heard, you were down south.”
“Oh I was, until my brother told me that a Felix was going to make a trade. I didn’t know for sure if it was you, but I am sure glad I came. It’s so nice to see a friendly face, especially one that left me broken and bleeding near the Ingerogies.”
Felix’s expression hardens. “You gave me no choice,
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“Smart, feisty and pretty. I’m going to have fun with this one.”
Felix steps forward, gun pointing at Jagger’s head. “Don’t you dare touch her or I swear I’ll…”
“Do what? Please tell me what you will do, because at the moment you can’t do anything…” Jagger never finishes as I take advantage of the loosen grip around my neck. I grab his arm with both hands and I yank down, dropping to my knees and bringing him to the hard ground. Finally free, I scramble away from him.
That’s when things became very confusing and bullets go flying everywhere. Thankfully, there is a limited amount of bullets. I gasp, taking in greedy amounts of air as I come to my feet. Standing up was mistake as a bullet speeds by me, zipping across my right cheek. I drop instantly, the entire side of my face burning, but it’s still better than a bullet in head. I force myself up, taking in the fighting in a single glance. Thorn has already killed two of the guys and is pursuing the third. Felix and Panther are deep in a fight to the death. That only leaves

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