Nurse Practitioners are registered nurses who provide a wide range of preventive and acute
health care services to individuals of all ages. They develop their skills through advanced
education and clinical training and work autonomously or in collaboration with other health care
professionals. Nurse practitioners play an integral role in nursing homes. In the current health
care system there is an increase focus on the role of nurse practitioners to provide medical care to
nursing home patients. The Nurse Practitioner in Long-Term Care addresses the growing trend to
utilize the nurse practitioner in the skilled nursing facility (SNF) to manage patients in long-term
care and serves as …show more content…
Loretta Ford and Henry Silver. It developed in the context of improving primary care pediatric
practice and was viewed largely as a holistic expansion of nursingpractice.In1976, the American
Nurses Association was the first to define training requirements for gerontological nurse
practitioners (GNPs), but it was not until the early 1980s that GNPs gained wide recognition as a
distinctly trained workforce in geriatric practice that could be beneficial to nursing homes. There
is currently a small proportion of NPs that are identified as being employed in geriatric settings,
with estimates ranging from 4-8% of all trained nurse practitioners. However, for those nurse
practitioners with GNP certification, surveys suggest that at least 50% of these individuals will
spend their time in long-term care facilities.8 This suggests that the gerontological training is an
important determinant for NP practice in the nursing home setting(Thomas V. Caprio, 2006).
You must be certified and registered as a nurse practitioner (NP) by the New York State
Education Department (NYSED) in order to practice as an NP in New York(NYSED …show more content…
The NPs working in long- term care work as a member of the primary health care
team. Their role has been described as clinician, collaborator, case manager, counselor, coordinator
, educator and communicator .As a clinician NPs do comprehensive physical assessment,
evaluations, documentation and chart reviews. They work in collaboration with facility staff and
physicians. Working as a communicator, NPs coordinate their work with other health care
providers. They also communicate with staff, patient and their families. The main focus of NP role
is promotion of heath, treatment and management of acute and chronic health conditions. NPs in
long term facilities provide staff training and support by means of education and interprofessional
collaboration to promote better patient outcomes.
Working as an NP in Collaboration with Multidisciplinary team :
The term multidisciplinary describes team interaction within a multi professional team
.Multidisciplinary health care practice is an effective means to plan, coordinate and implement care
of elderly population. They practice independently to set goals and treatments. The members