1. Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological theory - Microsystem: Teacher has authoritative teaching strategies by setting clear limits, enforce rules and expect mature behavior but warm with students. This will lead to positive relationship with students and enhance motivation.
Non – Learning theory
1. Self-determination theory
Intrinsic motivation is defined as the doing of an activity for its inherent satisfactions rather than for some separable consequence.
As a teacher, I need to influence intrinsic factors to students. Thus intrinsic motivation will occur only for activities that hold intrinsic interest for an individual (e.g., appeal of novelty, optimal levels of challenge or aesthetic value.
Learning theory …show more content…
This activity will allow students discover the concept of how food contamination takes place, what the symptoms are and how to avoid. This will allow them to organize the information. They will be able to readily conclude on how food contamination leads to food poisoning.
Non – learning theory
1. Self-determination theory – Evaluate students’ performance in a non -controlling way
As a teacher, I must regularly evaluate students’ accomplishments. Through the aid of the quiz, teacher will be able to evaluate student’s understanding and provide constructive feedbacks. It is important to not judge but provide information that can help them improve their knowledge and skills.
Learning theory
1. Vygotsky’s theory – Scaffolding
Scaffolding allows students to accomplish challenging tasks. Through this students will most likely benefit from tasks and …show more content…
Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development – Challenging tasks promote maximum cognitive growth
Tasks that a student can accomplish only with some assistance and support by an adult or a more competent peer defines the range of zone of proximal development. This includes learning and problem-solving abilities that are just beginning to emerge and develop.
I have plan my activity in which when my students are in their Home groups, they are expected to peer- teach and list down the relevant information and be Experts in their area before they break up into their new groups to share what they have learnt. In their discussion, there will be a mix of some more able and a few less able students. During the discussion, some students may not understand the concepts and require more explanation. Thus more skilled peers will carry out the explanation to assist their fellow Expert group members to understand the concept. This will allow weaker students to absorb those concepts faster and when they return back to their Home groups, they would be equipped to educate their group members on their area of