to defy convention, full of subliminally conveyed anthems, and led by a confused but passionate
front man whose name would linger on for the many ages to come; Kurt Cobain. The three man
band jumped out of the underground grunge (sometimes referred to as the Seattle sound, inspired
by hardcore punk, heavy metal and distorted electric guitars) movement revolving around independent labels in Washington. Credited (respectively so) for ending the age of self-absorbed rock and roll revolving around sex, money, and fame, the band flipped the entire music scene within itself and single-handedly transformed the dynamics of “typical” rock music forever. …show more content…
Granted, “In Utero's” raw sound and satirical tone was a major turning point for the band and proved to be a bit harder to listen to due in part to its many bold titles such as “Rape Me', and “Moist Vagina”. However, initial listeners forget that the unconventional themes submerged in a distinctive sound was in fact the main goal in mind for the band. In all actuality it is Nirvana's rebellion alone which created the multidimensional facet that brings the presumed careless production into complete …show more content…
An. Anti. Rape. Album” as Cobain once stated in an interview on MTV. Using only a select handful of lyrics and drowning those in an electric guitar distortion bliss, added much more to the confusion, however, a thorough analysis of the song brings to light what little muddy clues Cobain left in the midst his message. Utilizing an opening such as “Rape me, Rape me my friend, Rape me Rape me again”, feeding the middle portion with graphic imagery; “My favorite inside source, I'll kiss your open sores, Appreciate your concern, You're gonna stink and burn”, and ending it with growling yells screeching an endless “Rape me, Rape Me” chant, Cobain is able to cleverly do three things. With 1) being able to catch the attention of the listener through the explicit chant, 2) confuse the audience in believing it's something it's not (a song glorifying rape), and 3) express his strong feelings towards the extremely touchy subject. In which he holds much against the act of such obscenity. In all actuality, the band was able to speak their beliefs against such event out in the open due to the controversial song. Cobain stated that “Rape is one of the most terrible crimes on earth and it happens every few minutes. The problem with groups who deal with rape is that they try to educate