At the beginning of the article, the author explains net neutrality and how it connects to ISPs. ISPs have the technology to restrict access to certain parts of the internet (van Schewick, 2009). Net neutrality is the proposal of preventing ISPs from controlling the access to information on the internet (van Schewick, 2009). She presents the idea that internet providers are willing to block some contents of the internet, citing past examples of the interferences from ISPs. Furthermore, she shows the reasons why ISPs are controlling the access of contents, and the effect it will have on the users. Finally she makes the argument that the consumers will not be able to stop the restrictions, and net neutrality is required in order to guarantee the full access to the internet. Throughout the article, van Schewick is able to organize her ideas and connect them with the readers. One important piece of van Schewick’s article is the use of actual examples. There is multiple examples that she showed, such as “In 2007, Comcast… shut down peer-to-peer file sharing connections…” (van Schewick, 2009). By using these examples, she is able to demonstrate that the restrictions on usage is truly a problem that will affect people. This causes the readers to concentrate more on the problem, since it is seen as an event that will indeed affect themselves. This helps to make her audience to better connect themselves with her article. Since there are multiple side notes on the article, van Schewick is clearly shown to be mindful of informing the audience. Examples such as “d. They later changed their view after the incidents had been widely reported.” (van Schewick, 2009) demonstrates the willingness of van Schewick to make sure the readers are always understanding her article. Her choice of choosing to inform the readers is also ironically the complete opposite of the actions of the ISPs that she is critical of. Van Schewick have also included her own personal opinion on the subject. …show more content…
She states that “In a world without network neutrality rules, ISPs determine which applications and content can become successful, distorting competition in the markets for applications and content.” (van Schewick, 2009). She is able to support her argument by explaining her beliefs of the effect of the limitation, which causes her article to have a better supporting body. When she talks about “These arguments neglect a number of factors that make competition less effective in disciplining discriminatory conduct than one might expect.” (van Schewick, 2009), this allows her to show that she is not only presenting her ideas, but also attacking other’s ideas. This successfully shows that she has acknowledges