Neighborhood Safety Assessment

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I never really thought of my neighborhood as a possible place for crime to occur, but after doing the safety assessment I found that my neighborhood would be a pretty perfect place to commit a crime. I have lived in the same place for majority of my life and have always just felt safe and protected. I know all of my neighbors and because they are all older there's not many young people around disturbing the peace. The most action my neighborhood gets is after school hours, many students walk through to get to their homes. Because, of these characteristics that make up my neighborhood I felt the safe, not realizing that those same characteristics could be the perfect setup for crime.
As mentioned above majority of my neighbors fall in the age group of sixty and above, their is a small group of kids my age and we all know each other, in fact my younger sister is the youngest person living in my neighborhood. I found during the assessment, that this neighborhood set up acts as both a positive and negative. It is a positive thing because all of my neighbors are home and can act as natural surveillance, because they know everyone who lives on the block and have lots of free time, they
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Infact there is all woods behind the houses across the street from me. The wooded area give criminals a place to escape from, and they even act as a place for juveniles to hangout and commit delinquent behavior that led to bigger crimes. This wooded area never worried me much before, unto I took the assessment and realized how unsafe it truly was. This high-risk wooded area for many places would lead to more protection from the police. But, because my home is not located in a city, I believe the police view it as a safe area the way I once did. So, my neighborhood does not have a patrol car that circles around, we just rely on our natural

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