I sit at the table, around spaghetti alle vongole and sanpellegrino, speaking in a half-Italian half-English jargon. As I look around, I see the women and friends who have molded me into the person I am today. Not only am I mesmerized by the aromas of clams, insalata, and focaccia, but also by the stories that are told. Stories of summers spent by the beach, childhood bliss, and the unfair treatment of Italian women in their Italian homes. After our plates are empty, stomachs full, and …show more content…
The examples set by my unofficial family, have led me to be self-motivated, hardworking and appreciative of the great privilege I have in attending school and, now the promise of a higher education. Although I have not had a male figure present, being around so many women has demonstrated to me that we can do almost anything a man can. The challenges I have faced in life have always been overcome knowing that I am able to accomplish whatever I put my mind to and have women who will always support me along the way. The experiences I have shared with them have taught me to enjoy these moments and that “Chi si volta, e chi si gira, sempre a casa va finire”, “No matter where you go or turn, you will always end up at