The black power movement was not a formal movement, but it sparked a turning point in black-white relations in the United States and also in how black Americans saw themselves. By going forth with their own agenda, the movement set out to put their aspirations and needs first. Their first progression to doing so was to replace the word Negro (which was displaced with years of slavery) with the word black. The transformation of the word had a big impact on black poets, authors, and visual artists which in turn caused them to find their voices and share voices with others. The spirit of racial unity and pride that made the black power to be so dynamic also made it problematic and to a few, dangerous. Despite peoples beliefs the black power advocates still had valid and pressing concerns. Blacks where still victims of racism in America whether it was being charged a higher rate for a mortgage, getting paid less than a white person doing the same work, or facing violence at the hands of white …show more content…
In 2009, Word Bridge Publishing created a book called The N-word of the Narcissus, which excised the N word from the text. According to the publisher, the idea of the book was to vanquish the offensive word. In the 20th century, many racist songs had been developed for the simple purpose of bringing down black folks. In the folk song “oh! Susanna” in the second verse describes an industrial accident, which killed five hundred African Americans. In the 1932 British song “The Sun Has Got His Hat On” previously had the line “He’s been tanning niggers out in Timbuktu.” It was displayed that modern recordings changed the lines. Literature and music’s usage of the N word had a negative effect on