He argued, “They were trying to suggest that the very means by which the dominant culture will assault you we will now appropriate that term and then spit it right back at you, circulate it as a term of endearment, love each other.” I feel as if he saying that sometime during history that every Black Person has taken this word and made it into something great to reflect a better union. I don't feel as if Dyson was realistic in the sense of how the word Nigga came upon. He says that Nigga is a term of endearment, but that isn't it either because it applied in different senses everydays. I.E “I hate that Nigga”, “Fuck that Nigga” and so forth. Whereas when used as a term or “endearment” other words can be used, such has brother, sister, homie, friend and so forth. The term Nigger was used so much in regards to blacks that we started to pick it up and use it ourselves. Even though its meaning today does is not denote inferiority this is because of ebonix used with in Blacks. While West states that “You can never put limits on creativity, e West Also states that the Hip Hop culture appeal makes the process problematic as the hurtful history of self-hatre that comes with the word. West opposes the use of the word in any
He argued, “They were trying to suggest that the very means by which the dominant culture will assault you we will now appropriate that term and then spit it right back at you, circulate it as a term of endearment, love each other.” I feel as if he saying that sometime during history that every Black Person has taken this word and made it into something great to reflect a better union. I don't feel as if Dyson was realistic in the sense of how the word Nigga came upon. He says that Nigga is a term of endearment, but that isn't it either because it applied in different senses everydays. I.E “I hate that Nigga”, “Fuck that Nigga” and so forth. Whereas when used as a term or “endearment” other words can be used, such has brother, sister, homie, friend and so forth. The term Nigger was used so much in regards to blacks that we started to pick it up and use it ourselves. Even though its meaning today does is not denote inferiority this is because of ebonix used with in Blacks. While West states that “You can never put limits on creativity, e West Also states that the Hip Hop culture appeal makes the process problematic as the hurtful history of self-hatre that comes with the word. West opposes the use of the word in any