In order to get my service learning volunteer hours I had to go for three days at two different locations. The first services I provided was for the New York care program. The activity involved the parks and recreation center. The Park was located at Seward park, garden the service was for two hours. The activities that I help with was planting, …show more content…
It was gratifying when I was able to help the teacher mange the student. I was able to relate to this service learning better because it utilized skills that I taken for granted .These skills are parenting skills. When you are a parent, you must look and sound like you have authority. You need to be confident and gentle all at the same time; this approach helped me to convey my idea effectively to little children. I believe this was a good experience for Mrs. Hilda and the children. The children were sad to go home because they wanted to stay with me at the nursery. The only hard part was getting the children to go with their parents. The children wanted to stay and play, talk and express themselves as little children. Mrs. Hilda also confided in me about her goals to complete school, I was able act as a listing ear for her. This service learning was effective for me, I was able to utilize the parenting skills I already had .I realized the same parenting skills I use with my own children are the same parenting skills I need to help educate students in a nursery.
In closing both of my experiences were activities with valid connections to meeting and assisting other people than the people in my usually circumference. I had a great time in my service learning assignments. Here are some photos of pictures I took at the different sites .This was a blessing to have participated in this …show more content…
Hilda greeted me with a smile and utilized my presents without delay. She instituted me immediately to wash my hands and wake up the children. Mrs. Hilda left me on my own disclose to wake the children. I thought to myself how the children would feel to wake up to a strange face. The children were reluctant to wake up. However they followed my direction as it was their routine and woke up from their slumber and rose off their cots slowly. I was directed to have the children to put on their shoes, put away their blankets, and wash their hands than sit at the table for snack. The children were to my surprise were very obedient to the orders given and transition smoothly. Jim then brought in the children snack they had cantaloupe and milk. The children were excited to know who I was I introduced myself to the students as Shatima Miller a student coming to volunteer to help. Some students did not know what a volunteer was so they asked what it was. I replied a person that comes to help with extra things so the teacher could have a relief from some of the jobs she usually does by herself was able to introduce the activity to the children while they ate their snack. The children were enthusiastic when it was time to write their alphabets Page and they knew how to transition from one given task to the next smoothly. This was indication that the children were always on a tight schedule .the children were able to have chosen a table toy when they were finished with their