My strengths in focusing on the facts, being proactive and getting A’s and B’s in my classes will get me to where I want to be in high school which is getting into AP classes and eventually law school. By focusing on the facts in classes such as social studies, I will then know truthful information that will help me on classwork and tests which will help …show more content…
Graduating from law school will look considerable on a job application to a law firm because it will show that I have integrity. I plan on achieving this goal by performing well now (in high school) and by showing great potential in my school work also, during my first year in regular college I want to do an internship at a firm on the island that way I will have a sense of how things will work when I become a lawyer.
In conclusion, my goals in high school and after high school shows the commitment of me trying to live a better life by planning ahead of time. I would like to say that planning ahead or even taking action in situations are also a strength of mines beside the points of sticking to the facts, being proactive and getting good grades. Having goals aren’t always a bad thing, most of the time it’s a good thing because it helps with a person's life but also due to the fact that it shows self independence, now that is an astonishing way of