I am Jessica McCleary, a mother, the finder of lost things, wife, a nurturer, a student, a hard worker, and a carefree goofball. I know who I am and who I want to be. These descriptions are considered my open area characteristics. Everyone has a hidden area that they would rather not disclose to just anyone. Only a very select few people know that I have high anxiety. I am a high self monitor. I am constantly aware of myself and others, and I have a hard time relaxing and living in the moment. What you see is what I want you to see.
I was born and raised in Eastside Huntington West Virginia. The first few years of my life consisted of nine other family members and myself in a small three bedroom house. We were poor but I couldn’t tell. My family was close until addiction rattled us to pieces. Fast forward a few years, my mom married and unsociable alcoholic and became one herself. Family was no more. We never visited family or friends, I never had sleepovers or went to birthday parties and we rarely had guests over. I had no social skills and no friends. My parents were terrible …show more content…
The amount of hurt and loneliness we endured very well could've broken me. I was damaged but not broken. Now, I see the blessing behind her addiction. She showed me who not to be, and how not to be a mother. One pivotal point in my life (approx. 12) I remember thinking I will never treat my children like you've treated us. I thank her for this. I thank her because from her absence, I have learned to love unconditionally. Thank you for leaving and showing me how to be independent. From you I have learned that I do not need anyone else to prove to me that I'm worthy of being loved. From you I have learned that life is always hard, but you shouldn't give into the things that make you feel good for just a short while, but you should search for the real happiness in