Beginning with Malcolm Gladwell’s bestseller “Outliers”. Before this course, I wouldn’t have had an interest in this book but now after this course, I look forward to spending more time to carefully interpret and analyze it in more detail. Gladwell gave me much to think about while also giving me the opportunity to interpret and analyze an argument as I have documented in my essays and discussions. The first essay is a self-reflection about myself and how my career relates to “The 10,000-Hour Rule”. …show more content…
I was skeptical of Gladwell’s claim at first as this seemed to be a very long time to reach a point of success. Although I was amazed how it was exactly a mirror image of my career. In my fifteen years employed in Human Resources, I was promoted every five years to a new position. By working fulltime at 2080 hours a year for five years, I was improving my knowledge and skills resulting in success in approximately 10,000 hours. Once I reflected on my career and assessed this rule, it became easier to accept Gladwell’s claim. In the critical analysis essay, the class was to analyze a situation and determine the audience of Gladwell’s claims in “The Trouble with Geniuses, Part I & II”. …show more content…
They were fascinating chapters regarding the relation between success and intelligence. I was in full agreement with his class because for a twelve-year period, I ran a family daycare from my home. I cared for many children from many different backgrounds. When I reflect on each child at that time, I can see the claim of the different styles of parenting and a child’s success. These children are young adults now and the background of each child is very clear years later. Throughout the course we researched and finalized our research papers. This research was extremely interesting to me because of a recent employee survey conducted at my place of employment. Although my facility ranked the highest in employee satisfaction than our sister hospitals, I wanted to complete my paper on employee empowerment. My intention is to keep our high scores by using many of the techniques I learned through my research. Each week we worked towards the final paper through the discussion board and with our weekly assignments. As I began my first class involving discussion boards I quickly became intimidated by the idea of conversing with my digital classmates. As I reflect on it now, I believe I learned more from reading my classmates essays and by reading the comments from my professor. Each time I submitted my weekly discussion I would submit with caution. I could usually determine if I did my assignment correctly by reading classmates work. After reading the comments of my classmates in the last week, I have discovered that we all were intimidated with this form of interactive learning. My digital portfolio also includes several discussions regarding Gladwell’s work that I had placed on the discussion board. One of the discussions with my digital classmates was