Since it was early in the morning, the teacher made her students dance Samba in order to wake up. She encouraged her students to dance Samba with her to get them energized. The students were required to fill out a piece of paper and take a pass if they desired to go to the restroom. By taking the restroom pass, Mrs.Popich was able to know who left the room. Students were required to go to the restroom one at a time, so that multiple students would not be roaming the hallways and slacking off. Her students were in 6 tables with 4 students at each table. Mrs.Popich purposely placed native spanish speakers with non-native spanish speakers, so that they could help each other if they had trouble with the language. Classroom Observation: Mrs.Popich
10:20 a.m.- 11:20 a.m. Once the students settled down on their assigned seats after dancing, Mrs.Popich showed pictures of objects and outdoor activities on the projector. Mrs.Popich went to the front of the class and started