Plot: This book was focussed on the Hammarstrom family and the disappearance of Stacy Lemke. Kirsten was nine when her brother, Johnny, and Stacy started dating. Their relationship was not all smiles and toward the end they were fighting more and more. One winter night Johnny and Stacy went to Green Bay for a date. What happened on the way home changed the Lemke and Hammarstrom families forever. After crashing his car on a slippery rural road, Johnny tried to get the car out of ditch. Stacy was mad …show more content…
The book was focussed on the Hammarstrom farm and their small town. The small town was shattered by Stacy’s disappearance because Johnny was the local wrestling star. The Lemke’s and Hammarstrom’s houses were not far from each other and the houses were significant because Stacy was taken in between her and Johnny’s house. The story began in 2011, flashbacked to 1995, and ended in 2011.
Theme: The theme of this book was the danger of ignorance. I learned that I need to be careful who I choose as a friend. I also learned that I can never really tell a person’s true intentions. Stacy trusted Jerry to take her home while walking in a blizzard. Jerry took advantage of Stacy’s trust and it cost Stacy her life. Years later Jerry would try it again, but with Kirsten.
Recommendation: I gave this book five out of five stars. I gave it a five, because it was such a good thriller. I never knew what would come next. I really enjoyed how it pushed the family’s trust. I think I liked it so much because the setting was in Wisconsin. I would recommend this book to everyone. This book has mature language and details, so anyone above the age of 13 should read it. People in Wisconsin who like murder mysteries would really enjoy reading this