In both stories the characters have many similarities. They are both facing life or death situations, and they are both alone with no one to help. They need to use their minds to overcome the situation. In High Noon, Kane got ditched by everyone in town when they found out Miller was coming back to town. "Seems to me people ought to be alone when they get married" (Foreman 291). In The Most Dangerous Game, Rainsford is being hunted down and needs to win the game to survive. "I'll give him a trail to follow,' muttered Rainsford, and he struck off from the rude path he had been following into the trackless wilderness. He executed a series of intricate loops; he doubled on his trail again and again, recalling all the lore of the fox hunt, and all the dodges of the fox" (Connell). These quotes prove that these main characters need to overcome a challenge with just their brains. …show more content…
In High Noon the setting is in the early 1900s and is located in the middle of no where. "On the buckboard as it careens over the uneven plain, Kane keeping the horses at the wild gallop" (Foreman 293). If he wanted to run away from Miller, their would be nowhere to go. In The Most Dangerous Game, Rainsford in on an island with no where to run. "'Off there to the right-- somewhere-- is a large island,' said Whitney. 'It's rather a mystery--'" (Connell). The setting would be less of an impact if they were in the city; they would just be able to run