Sometimes people never realize the things put in the food they eat just to make it taste good or to stay better longer. Most people don’t think it is worth the time of money to make the burger at home. But it is unfathomable how many people eat Mcdonald's on a daily basis and do not even realize what they are eating. Will store bought burgers show signs of rotting faster than McDonald's burgers? Are homemade burgers better for people than Mcdonalds burgers? Which one has more calories? Is it even that convenient to go get McDonald’s like everyone says it is? What are the cows even feed like steroids or anything? These questions are just making people begin to wonder about what you really eat on a daily basis, what it does to your body, and is it even brand new or is it just kept warm. Let us take a look into the wonderful world of that “American meal”.
Does anyone even know that the ingredients in that burger people are so fond of could just be pink slime? Just because they put a label out saying it is “100 …show more content…
Each burger did show signs of rotting all except two of them(ifl science video). McDonald's and Jack in the Box burgers showed little to no signs of rotting, but they did lose weight and began shrinking (ifl science video). Moisture levels affect whether or not the burger will rot (ifl science). In each of the burgers buns and burgers they probably contained different ingredients that involved moisture which is why most rotted and two did not. Now moisture is not the only thing that causes rotting, but it is one of the important and main things for rotting. Without mostiure the little bacteria can not move and there would be no rotting at all. That is why freezers work is because it freezes all the moisture, but as soon as thing thaw out they become subjectable to