The upper class held the most influence ultimately because they controlled the means of production, whereas the lower working class only had their labor to offer in order to make ends meet. Under this structure the lower class was completely dependent on the Bourgeoisie to get paid. Though, the relationship between the upper and working classes was by no means one way. The upper classes equally depended on the working class to fulfill production needs, though this would never have been readily admitted because it would forfeit a large sense of power. Just as we see today, there is a vast inequality of the wealth between the upper and lower class. Marx believed this inequality was sustained through methods of economic exploitation, institutionalized oppression, and marginalization through social …show more content…
The laws and normal practices of a society under conflict theory operate through contention and conflict, and those with the most resources prevail by taking advantage of those with less. Competition fuels this type of society. Perpetuation of this system is the core goal of the ruling class, because after all, they are protecting their own interests. This requires a social and economic environment where they can, at the very least, circumnavigate legal restrictions that seemingly are only in place to stagnate the poor. Under conflict theory, the causes of crime are not based on the individual, but rather the social and economic agents at large. This avenue of thought focuses on the macro forces rather than the micro. Conflict theorists would argue that by and large the criminal justice system in itself is corrupt to the extent that it operates on protecting the rich and controlling the poor. Looking at who is making up the majority of the prison populace, it becomes evident that poor people are being detained in a much larger capacity than the rich. The rich do not end up in prison because they write, and or get the rules written such that what they do is not considered criminal. Or they use their power to avoid prison time all together. An example of this is the fact that street level crimes are punished far more seriously, and at a