Classical Athens had a democracy, while Han China had an empire. In document 5, it explains that in the government, “ The first true democracy in history,” any Citizen could attend the Athenian Assembly. In Han China, although it was a bureaucracy, many believed that if the people were pleased by the way the upcoming leader handled things it was a sign from the heavens to let them be emperor. All in all, this let the …show more content…
In Athenian culture, they believed that one should be greatly ivolved in politics. This is best explained in Document eight. “We do not say that a man who takes no interest in politics is a man who minds his own business; we say that he has no business here at all.” In contrast, the people of Han China believed that even if someone did not participate in government they still would have had an effect on it by participating in life. Confucius led by example, and thus by being a good person, he could influence those around him to make better decisions, and do what was best for everyone.
Han China and Classical Athens were great and greatly different. Athenians believed in democracy. They believed that in order to be successful, great involvement was required. The Chinese people of the Han’s Dynasty, however, believed in a strong bureaucracy; one led by a strong leader. They did not worry much with politics. They felt that no matter the influence, politics were going to function and change. Most importantly, they believed in letting the people have a say in how the government was