By increasing the level of love and support within families with LGBT+ members, we can lower the health risks that rejection can amplify. In an interview conducted by the Family and Youth Service Bureau on the effects of family support and love, Family Acceptance Project director Dr. Caitlin Ryan says that, “In general, youth whose families support them are healthier and happier than those whose families reject them” (“Supportive”). When a parent or sibling shows acceptance and support towards their LBGT+ family member, they are helping to decrease possible health risks brought on by rejection and possibly increasing their level of happiness. Family rejection can put LGBT+ youth in a very dangerous position and they could be dealing with mental and physical health problems way into adulthood because of that. When a family embraces their child’s sexual orientation or gender identity, they are putting up a wall against these risks and decreasing the chance that they will attempt suicide, experience high levels of depression or use illegal substances. In fact, in the compilation of 42 articles done by the Columbia Law School, it is stated that family support is the key protective role against these health risks (“What”). Families showing support and love can protect a child from …show more content…
Rejection because of hate, homophobia and transphobia is not uncommon in the LGBT+ community, especially coming from relatives. Whether it’s based on religion, background, or simply personal beliefs, a large amount of people believe that queer folks are lesser than themselves. Hate is so common among queer youth that in the June 13, 2011 Huffington Post article, “Family Rejection of LGBT Youth is No Joke” by Carl Siciliano, it is stated that “Approximately 50% of LGBT youth whose sexual orientations and gender identities become known to their families experience some degree of family rejection.” Also according to this article, “LGBT youth make up to 40% of our nation’s homeless youth population” (Siciliano). Roughly half of LGBT+ youth whose families find out about their identity experience rejection and many also end up on the street because of it. Many queer young folks have to face terrifying consequences of coming out and quite a few of the situations can become very dangerous. It can sometimes be impossible to tell how a family will react when their child tells them they are transgender or gay and in some cases, the reaction can turn out terrible and very dangerous for the youth. According to the same article by Carl