I strongly disagree with the point of view because stopping marijuana to be legalized just based on preventing anyone to drive after consuming marijuana is not logical. I do admit someone under influence of marijuana is not suitable to drive because it could impair a person’s ability to judge and drive. But we could regulate the marijuana under strict rule, such as prohibit any driving after consuming marijuana. Lopez point out that Colorado and Washington State forbid anyone with five or more nanograms of active THC per milliliter of blood to drive, if not they will face a serious charge. Just like alcohol, marijuana will be regulated, sale and consume under
I strongly disagree with the point of view because stopping marijuana to be legalized just based on preventing anyone to drive after consuming marijuana is not logical. I do admit someone under influence of marijuana is not suitable to drive because it could impair a person’s ability to judge and drive. But we could regulate the marijuana under strict rule, such as prohibit any driving after consuming marijuana. Lopez point out that Colorado and Washington State forbid anyone with five or more nanograms of active THC per milliliter of blood to drive, if not they will face a serious charge. Just like alcohol, marijuana will be regulated, sale and consume under