He used to be a more mellow and reserved cat, but he has stopped caring ever since his parents died The big bad world took what innocence he had left a long time ago when he was left all alone. Lambda was forced to kill both evil and innocence alike for their food and supplies in times of great trial. Lambda was so full of hate and loneliness that fear of pain and death no longer crossed his mind, but there was still a positive sense of morality in that complicated head of his. Survival seemed very pointless to him anymore, and he was looking for either a chance to die or a reason to live. Lambda was surely about to get one or the other. Will he choose life or death? Only time will …show more content…
Lambda dashed quickly to the other side of the forest where he found the trouble that he was looking for out on a isolated plain. A young she-cat and a slightly older tom were being surrounded by a group of five battle scarred toms who were out for blood. The she-cat cried for help as the older tom tried to fight off the largest of the assailants, but it was to no avail. The large tom was obviously the leader of the pack, and he made short work of the honorable tom. The leader knocked the defendant on his ass with a headbutt, and then proceeded to wrap his paws around the young tom’s throat. Lambda darted at the five bullies in an attempt to save the victims, but the four other toms heard him coming. Lambda engaged the four pawns and tackled one to the ground piercing the jugular vein with his claws. The other three toms watched in horror as their friend bled quickly to death, and two of them backed off in horror while the third attempted to kill Lambda. Lambda and the assailant exchanged blows with one another, but neither one of them refused to back down. The assailant knocked Lambda onto his belly, and then proceeded to wrap his arms around Lambda’s neck. Lambda felt the air flow being cut off from his lungs, and he quickly rolled over onto his back and stood up with