Simultaneously, the right arm then goes forward while the left arm swings back to his side. Then the cycle alternatingly goes on—the flexion of his hip and knee, then the lifting of his foot forward. His heel will touch the ground followed by his toe, then the arm opposite to the leg in front would swing forward. I assumed that his strides would be larger because of his height, but it was average. His shoulders were kind of leaning forward when he performs the movement observed, but that was his normal posture. Overall, he showed a mature walking pattern. Future If he does perform this movement in the future, say 55 years later, I believe that his performance of this movement would change in a greater degree. His pace would get slower and I would assume that his back would be hunched noticeably and that his shoulders would further round forward while performing the movement. He would slightly lift his arms, to some extent, somewhat like a high guard arm position in an immature walker to help …show more content…
When he lifts his leg forward, it would not be as high as when he was at 24 years old. The heel strike would still be visible, but only slightly and there would be a noticeable dragging of the feet. His arms would still move in opposition to the leg, but it would just be a little and subtle movement. He might also look down quite a bit in order to gain balance and for safety reasons, such as to avoid tripping or falling. The regression of the movement observed would be due to old age and the bones, joints, muscles, and the body overall getting