The first pillar recognizes that there is a new area of warfare is the cyberspace. The second pillar is a proactive defense as opposed to passive defense, so that US is preparing of the threats and will act before the attacks. The third pillar is critical infrastructure protection, also known as CIP. It is a concept that relates to how prepared and the response to the attacks that will hurt our critical infrastructure of a region or nation. The fourth pillar is the use of collective defense, which provides the capability of early detection and to incorporate them in the defense strategy against cyber warfare. Lastly the fifth pillar is to maintain and build up the advantage of technological change. Examples would be to improve computer literacy and increase the artificial intelligence capabilities. These Five Pillars were published in 2011. Which tells us that cyber warfare is a relatively new warfare.
In a recent article from US News; Russia, China, Iran and North Korea all have tactical advantages against the US. These nations have already launched cyber attacks towards civilian areas. The Chinese military stole US plan for the technically sophisticated F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, they created a copycat named J-31. Hackers with strong connections in the Iranian government were earlier this year charged for attacks on US banks. This shows us that cyber war might be the next step in