Identify instructional groupings you would use within the classroom (based on the profile of students above): (may include whole group, small group, pairs, individuals, centers, etc.)
This lesson plan relies heavily on small group activities. For the warm up portion of the class, students will be in tables that were assigned by me. Students with IEP’s will be grouped with students that are higher performing or that would be beneficial for the student with an IEP. The same would apply for the student with ADHD and in RTI, that student would be placed in a group where they would also have a student …show more content…
Students will read their assigned document answer guiding questions, then collaborate together with students that read the same document. Then they will break up into new groups to teach the documents to each other. This portion of the activity will involve me placing students with additional needs in groups that would be supportive to the students’ needs.
How will you differentiate for each different learner in the class?
Students with learning disabilities
Students are weaker in reading and writing will be able to conduct a visual analysis of a political cartoon to start the lesson. Students will be assigned their jigsaw activity document based on their reading level. Students will have a graphic organizer with guiding questions. Each document will have the vocabulary on the bottom of each page to help with challenging words.
Student with ADHD
For students with ADHD, they will be placed into groups with students that would be helpful to the ADHD challenges for the student. The student would also have a graphic organizer to help the student organize themselves during the course of the activity.
Gifted and Talented
Gifted and talented students would be given documents during the jigsaw activity that are more dense and