As a boy living in central suburban Pennsylvania, I have dealt with numerous types of people that had a different opinion on my skin color. Although, much of these opinions were abstract and was differentiated by the way they looked at me, the way they talked to me, or the way they approached my kind of people. These differences in skin color is nothing but a pigment of your skin that puts you in a different category than the ones who are born with a white pigment in their skin. I will tell you this, these skin colors do not matter because we are all born in the same world. What matters is how we use these differences to create any identity for ourselves because in the end, we all leave the world as being the same person that we are in the womb. When you are out in the world as a student or as a college student, you will encounter lots of people that will bring up certain argument which will go against your opinions on race. For example; recently Donald Trump has discriminated against the Muslim community due to the violence that’s accusing in our country and in the world, but what you must understand is that, these universal assumptions cannot be placed on everyone. If one person does something horrific or tragically devasting to the society, that person’s skin color or race cannot feel the consequences of his action because it is not the society’s fault for the negative consequences the person has caused to others. Some of us are born with the privileges set forth by our skin color but these privileges do not make us better than others but challenge us to strive to better ourselves and our
As a boy living in central suburban Pennsylvania, I have dealt with numerous types of people that had a different opinion on my skin color. Although, much of these opinions were abstract and was differentiated by the way they looked at me, the way they talked to me, or the way they approached my kind of people. These differences in skin color is nothing but a pigment of your skin that puts you in a different category than the ones who are born with a white pigment in their skin. I will tell you this, these skin colors do not matter because we are all born in the same world. What matters is how we use these differences to create any identity for ourselves because in the end, we all leave the world as being the same person that we are in the womb. When you are out in the world as a student or as a college student, you will encounter lots of people that will bring up certain argument which will go against your opinions on race. For example; recently Donald Trump has discriminated against the Muslim community due to the violence that’s accusing in our country and in the world, but what you must understand is that, these universal assumptions cannot be placed on everyone. If one person does something horrific or tragically devasting to the society, that person’s skin color or race cannot feel the consequences of his action because it is not the society’s fault for the negative consequences the person has caused to others. Some of us are born with the privileges set forth by our skin color but these privileges do not make us better than others but challenge us to strive to better ourselves and our