During my sophomore year at the University of Texas at San Antonio, …show more content…
Interning here offered invaluable experience and lessons that gave me insight into the use and effectiveness of individualized therapy. I worked with children and even adults of a wide range of ages, from two years old to thirty-two years old. Without exception, one-on-one behavioral sessions and individualized therapy was used in each age group and student at this school. Although most of my time there was observational, I did work with a couple of children individually and was amazed by the effects of individual attention and behavioral intervention. One special case involved a little boy with autism who refused to do classwork or pay attention. I took on this challenge and worked with him every day for two weeks in helping him direct his attention and efforts to class participation. It was not easy at first, but day by day I saw him improve and follow instructions more willingly and easily. His teacher, teacher assistant, and therapist were all surprised that I was able to help this little boy and actually improve his performance. I had never felt such satisfaction and accomplishment than in these moments where I felt the impact and progress I was influencing in this