When it comes to running a business, especially dealing with private medical records, both physical and cybersecurity is paramount to the success of the business, especially when it comes to patient confidentiality. When it comes to security, especially in the medical field, the implementation of effective security policies should be the organization 's top priority, for it protects the safety and well-being of both business and patient. The policies formulated must comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), in order to enforce patient confidentiality and avoid any legal issues. In order to protect both physical and cyber security, policies should overview acceptable computer use, email use, password policy, and wireless and device usage.
Company employees are expected to use their computers responsibly and productively, Internet access is to be limited to job-related activities only, excluding internet use for personal reasons. Use of company computers and the internet is a privilege granted by management that can be revoked at any time if used inappropriately(TWC), Job-related use of the internet include: education searches that help the employee perform a job-related task, as well as anything that will help an individual to perform his/her task. All computer usage within the company’s network is considered as the company’s data, therefore it is legal for the company to monitor this data for security purposes. The usage of a company computer for malicious acts or acts that violate HIPAA is strictly forbidden, violation of this policy will result in termination. (add physical security later) Email is intended to be used for company business purposes only. As an employee, you are expected to responsibly use your email to carry out company operations and as a form of communication between administrators and employees; use of company email for personal reasons such as family is considered among system administrators as a waste of company time and resources. When sending emails usimg the company email address, discrimination against any respected classifications, including race, sex, color, religion, national origin, and genetic disability is strictly prohibited (Thebalance); those who violate this policy are subjected to termination. When emailing sensitive company and patient information, an employee is expected to keep this information within the domain of the company. Forwarding, copying, or relaying sensitive patient information outside the domain of the company is a direct violation of the HIPAA act. When it comes to computer security, passwords are considered to be …show more content…
No matter how secure a user 's password may seem initially, there is one thing that one must take into account, the fact that the user will eventually change the password into something of their preference. Therefore password policy implementation is paramount to the success and security of the organization and its mission. In order to prevent system and patient compromisation, an employee 's password must never be shared with anyone, no matter the relation to the individual. System administrators are to ensure that the computer is not to store old passwords, this is to prevent any password compromisations if an attacker is to gain access to the system. It is expected that employees change their passwords in accordance with the minimum password age value set by the administrator, likewise, it is also expected that employees meet the password length and complexity requirements set by the administrator in order to reduce the risk of system