In Jury decision making expert opinions can impact a case because a jury doesn’t know the field that is being explored so an expert on stand can easily persuade them. Expert opinions can be deemed as extra information to a case “At the same time, jurors are often exposed to extra-legal information which could alter their perceptions of the proceedings” (Daftary-Kapur, 134). An expert opinion can change the perception for a jury because the person on stand knows everything that you have to know about the field and connecting it to the case and how it affected the outcome of the case. An example of this would be when I was watching Hawaii five O and they brought up an expert up on guns, a jury could have no idea about guns but learning the information from an expert can ultimately change their perceptions and the course of the …show more content…
Orientation in the way the jury stays in a room together so they can make a decision with reviewing what they took from the case and each opinion of how each juror took from the case. The problem about opinions emerging is open conflict people in the jury can have all different opinions which can make it harder to make a decision. What one person heard could be different from how another person heard it. Like the telephone game we played as kids what we started off saying doesn’t end up being said at the end. Open conflict comes into play when the values and judgments of the case come to play. Now the last stage is reconciliation this is when the jury finally agrees on a verdict in which they gather all the evidence and take account of the laws that are placed to make a