However, none of invasive or noninvasive method has yet proven its superiority. Amputation may be proposed in failed cases.2,11–15 Weber reported amputation of the calf in 9-14% of patients with CPT.
Surgery is needed for congenital scoliosis if there is progression of the spinal curvature. Patients with congenital scoliosis are closely monitored to determine if the deformity is progressive. Bracing is used in a only a small percentage of patients who develop compensatory curve above or below the congenital anomaly.
Early Surgical intervention minimizes the deformity and number of spine levels requiring treatment. For congenital scoliosis, surgery may involve removing of a portion of the abnormal bone. Resection of a hemivertebra may allow correction of the deformity and prevent further progression of the deformity. For patients whose deformity because one side of the spine is growing faster than the other, surgery to fuse the spine in that area to equalize growth on both sides may be required.
Sprengiel deformity: Cavendish classified the cosmetic aspect of the …show more content…
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
OI Type I, the mildest form, has a triad of features: fractures, blue sclera, and hearing loss.
Fractures often begin with ambulation and decrease after puberty. It is inherited in an autosomal dorminant manner.
OI Type II is perinatal lethal. Affected infants have short, bowed long bones with crumpling from in utero fractures, blue/grey sclerae, and a large, soft cranium. Radiographs reveal under-tubulated long bones. The most common cause of death is respiratory failure, associated with small thorax, rib fractures, pneumonia, and perhaps with intrinsic collagen-related abnormalities of lung tissue. It is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.
OI Type III (progressive deforming) is the most severe, non-lethal