The purpose of this unknown lab is to separate and identify two unknown microbes from a mixed culture. Kathryn Bart define a mixed culture as "one that contains more than one type of organism growing in a sterile medium, such as agar. The mixed culture can include multiple species of viruses, bacteria and parasites, which may or may not live in harmony with one another, sharing the available resources" (Kathryn Barr 2016). I took number five test tube from the different microbes that I had the option of choosing from. From that I created a mixed culture for myself and was able to do a gram stain to narrow down my unknown microbes. A mixed culture contains many species that disperse into colonies after been placed in the oven in means to keep it in a constant temperature and see if a pure culture can be made from that in order to really see each …show more content…
The five I's are used in order to grow, examine, and characterize microorganisms in the laboratory room. These Five I's consist of inoculation, incubation, isolations, inspection, and identification. Inoculation is the transferring a sample onto a medium and then you can incubate which is letting the microbe grow in the medium. The best temperature that produces a visible growth is 37 degrees Celsius because of enzymes. After the growth is isolation which is simply separating the different species onto a streak plate and on a spread plate. In order to do this you have to use a sterilized loop and then do a gram stain. Using the staining techniques it will help you gather information and inspect the colonies in order to characterize the shape, size, and color. After this process is usually done, you can inspect the colonies which will help you characterize and identify your unknown microbes (citation needed here from the textbook!!!!!). If I follow proper procedure of aseptic technique and isolation technique, then I should be able to isolate and identify two different unknown microbes