No student can be rejected a fair education no matter how severe their disability. As a teacher I must stay informed on different techniques to help teach any child in my class. This principle is the bedrock for all the others. Until IDEA it was completely okay to reject children that were seen as merely an inconvenience. It also requires that they be educated with the general population as much as absolutely possible. This is called placing them in the least restrictive environment. If they are placed outside of the norm it is required of the school to provide service alternatives and a continuum of alternative placements. This will allow for students with disabilities to participate with a larger student body and interact with other which is an opportunity that they might not receive anywhere else. I should always be aware of what is going on in my classroom and do my best to insure that I provide the least restrictive environment to all my students. IDEA was put in to place to help children with disabilities. It offers so much to those who previously had no access. This legislation will be relevant for many years to come and therefore must be understood by everyone involved in the process of teaching of students with disabilities. This will help me as a classroom teacher to be aware of disabilities and how they will impact my students. It also helps me know the resources that are available and how to go about utilizing them. As a teacher it is important that I be well versed in this document so that I can better teach students in my
No student can be rejected a fair education no matter how severe their disability. As a teacher I must stay informed on different techniques to help teach any child in my class. This principle is the bedrock for all the others. Until IDEA it was completely okay to reject children that were seen as merely an inconvenience. It also requires that they be educated with the general population as much as absolutely possible. This is called placing them in the least restrictive environment. If they are placed outside of the norm it is required of the school to provide service alternatives and a continuum of alternative placements. This will allow for students with disabilities to participate with a larger student body and interact with other which is an opportunity that they might not receive anywhere else. I should always be aware of what is going on in my classroom and do my best to insure that I provide the least restrictive environment to all my students. IDEA was put in to place to help children with disabilities. It offers so much to those who previously had no access. This legislation will be relevant for many years to come and therefore must be understood by everyone involved in the process of teaching of students with disabilities. This will help me as a classroom teacher to be aware of disabilities and how they will impact my students. It also helps me know the resources that are available and how to go about utilizing them. As a teacher it is important that I be well versed in this document so that I can better teach students in my