There are specific attributes of Aaron’s disability that entail specific behavioral characteristics, cognitive function or physical attributes of a learning disorder. That is why he has to constantly take attention deficit hyperactivity disorder medication. People with this kind of disorder exhibit behavioral symptoms like being impulsive, short attention span and inattentiveness, restlessness, easily distracted, over-activity or even constant fidgeting. It is most commonly seen among people with learning difficulties like Aaron and may include some other symptoms such as anxiety and sleep disorders.
There are some remarkable features about Aaron that stand out in kind of this scenario. One of such features is dyslexia that affects reading or other similar language-oriented processing skills (Frank & Livingston, 2002). This disorder impairs decoding, reading fluency and comprehension, spelling and writing. As a result of these, such people undergo mathematics computation difficulty and …show more content…
These measures would help increasing his skill level and would also help me in building on his strengths. One of such accommodations is to assign him a few class work and homework questions as opposed to the rest because he takes relatively longer to do them. I would also create a flexible environment in essay writing by allowing him to use bullets instead of paragraphs as long as I can measure what he has learnt. The idea is to ensure that the curriculum remains the same despite these adjustments. In addition, I would introduce modifications in his curriculum in some subjects such as science due to his intellectual disability (Vogel et al., 1993). Owing to the fact that such students may not grasp all the science vocabulary, I would focus on words and terms that he interacts with on a daily