How Does Glare Affect Young People

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The commercial or owner operator truck driver's occupation can take its toll on night vision. Long hours on the road over the years expose the trucker to harsh lighting, a poor diet, and lack of exercise. On top of these are the inevitable effects of getting older. Over time, all of these factors diminish your ability to see at night. If you are starting to notice difficulties with your night vision, here are three possible causes and how to deal with them:

Your Age and the Effects of Glare

Night glare affects everyone. However, your ability to cope with it diminishes with age. As you get older, the pupils of the eyes take longer to recover from blinding road glare. In addition, everyone after age 40 experiences presbyopia, which diminishes your ability to focus on close-up objects. This makes reading small print more difficult. At some point, most
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This can manifest itself in many ways. But a diet lacking in vitamin A will adversely affect your night vision. In fact, if the deficiency is severe, it can cause night blindness.

Foods high in vitamin A are fish, milk, liver, fortified cereals, broccoli, cantaloupe, squash, and carrots. Vitamin A supplements are also effective. In order to properly assimilate vitamin A, the body also requires zinc. Beans, nuts, dairy products, red meat, and poultry are good sources. Oysters are especially rich in zinc.

Underlying Health Problems

Diabetes and eye cataracts are two possible causes of poor night vision. Preventing cataracts requires protecting your eyes from the sun's ultra violet rays. This only comes about from a lifetime habit of wearing UV blocking sunglasses. You should also avoid other sources of UV such as tanning rooms. Staying on top of other health issues such as diabetes requires regular visits to your doctor and are generally avoided by keeping a healthy

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