Depending on religious beliefs and social network, fear of being rejected is can come into play. The pregnant teen can become depressed, which can also have a negative impact on the family’s overall emotional well-being. The parents look at it as, they’re fixing to have to raise another child, and they’ll have to support their daughter and the baby. This creates strained relationships in the family. The teenager’s mother often steps in to raise her grandchild and her ability to rear her own child can be negatively impacted by these new demands.
A teenage pregnancy in the family can often shift goals and priorities, not only for the teenager, but for the family members as well. A pregnant teen that had planned to go to college may end up getting a GED and enroll in online courses instead. The new grandparents might postpone further education or midlife career shifts in order to help their daughter with the child rearing obligations. A teen pregnancy can have repercussions on the short-term goals of the entire family, as planned vacations and outings take a backseat to the more pressing issues surrounding the birth and care for the