Some goods that come out of this type of lifestyle include: medical benefits, economic productiveness, the woman (wives) cooperate with one another, and all the children play together and get along. The children build an emotional bond with their half siblings. So by looking at the positives, it almost outweighs the negatives. Because in every culture there are always negative and positives so why when talking about polygamous does the human race focus on the negatives? When looking at the monogamous culture, we also notice the goods that come out of this, such as: marriage is constituted, the children have healthy relationships, and like before, we see the common good/benefit of economic productiveness and medical benefits. For both cultures, the medical benefits are brought up. For any culture and any woman who decides she wants to have children are told that spacing out when having children is “good” for your medical health. So even though we may not share all values and beliefs with different cultures, this is one item every woman and her spouse could agree to be …show more content…
For whatever reasons, he focuses on the point that one culture may believe that after death the souls of humans inhabit the bodies of cows. So you can most likely be eating your own grandma. Although this custom is different from someone else’s, they still may share the same values. They are just presented in different ways. Rachels mentions that this theory differs in our belief system and not values. We agree that we shouldn’t eat grandma; and we simply disagree about whether the cow can actually even be grandma. It is emphasized though that your values and beliefs work together to get your customs. For this example, one custom believes the human soul of grandma can be in a cow, so therefor, they do not eat cows. So their customs are what influence their beliefs as to if why they do or why they do not eat the cow also known to some as grandma. While another custom believes this not to be true (WHY). Rachels compares custom one as: eating cows= cows cannot be human and custom two states that: not eating cows= cows can actually be humans. But both customs value that eating human is