Objective Data
The patient has decreased strength of right leg with resisted extension on the lower extremities and complains of pain in posterior thigh. He has a light touch, pin prick, vibration, and position sensation with decreased sensation of right leg along L5. The reflexes include DTRs 2+ in upper and lower extremities. The heel-to-toe walking is steady.
The patient is suffering from Sciatica whose …show more content…
Sciatica occurs on one side of the body, whereby in this case, it is the right side causing tingling, weakness, and numbness while patients may experience difficulties emptying their bladder. Risk factors include heavy lifting as well as lifting and twisting. The disorder is caused by repeated torsional loading as well as repeated microtrauma, which tears the annular fibers with migration of nuclear material causing nerve root compression or irritation.
Signs and Symptoms
The signs and symptoms of sciatica include mild to severe cramp-like pain that occurs suddenly. It is associated with sensations of tingling, needles, pins, weakness, and numbness. The pain radiates through the lower back, hip and down the back of one leg. The pain resolves after 4 to 8 weeks. Other symptoms include loss of bladder and bowel