Sign language is defined as a language that uses a system of manual, facial, and other body movements as the means of communication. Sign Language was created for the purpose of communicating with each other in a nonverbal form. American Sign Language is the language that is used by approximately one-half million deaf people in the United States and Canada (Morford). Even though the majority of people use American Sign Language, there are other forms of sing language. One of theses forms is known as Signed English, and another is called Contact Signing. Since American Sign Language is used more frequently, not to many people use these two other forms. These gestures and hand movements create words and sentences that function in the way we verbally communicate to one another (Morford). There are four units that allow each sign to be different from another. The four parts include hand shape, palm orientation, movement, and the location from where your hand gesture occurs. This is a difficult language because if any part of the sign is altered it may cause a completely different word. Body movements from the face, eyes, head, or eyebrows can also change the meaning of a sign (Roberson). There are also different types of signing that include finger spelling, classifiers and lip movements. Finger spelling spells out words letter by letter, while representing the standard alphabet. This type of singing can be used if a word is too difficult to sign or you just don’t know how to sign the word (Pearl). However, this tactic is not used to often because it simply takes to long to spell out each word letter by letter. Another type of signing often used by children is knows as classifiers. Classifiers are hand shapes and movements that describe size, shape, and movement of objects without using actual signs (Roberson). The other type of signing is lip movement. This allows a deaf person to see how the word is pronounced. This is the most common type of signing, as you will always see an interpreter using this method. This allows the deaf person to identify the difference between the ways words are pronounced. One of the most remarkable and interesting technological achievements that affect people with hearing loss is the cochlear implant. A cochlear implant is an electronic apparatus that allows people with sever hearing loss to recognize some sounds, especially speech sounds (McCleary). This consists chiefly of a microphone and receiver, and a processor that converts speech into electronic signals, with an array of electrodes that transmit the signals to …show more content…
A hearing aid is good, but by no means as effective as the cochlear implant. However, hearing aids are also used by people with hard of hearing, although they are not as effective as the implants. A hearing aid is a small electronic apparatus that amplifies sound and is worn in or behind the ear to compensate for impaired hearing (Hadadian). This is almost like a small battery packed behind the ear. The most common hearing aid is known as the Acoustic Aid, however there are many other types. The Acoustic Aid amplifies the sound and sends the amplified acoustic energy straight to the eardrum (Hadadian).
Mainstreaming is beginning to become more popular throughout our country as time goes on. School districts across the country are beginning to experience this method of learning more often. This is an idea that puts all sorts of learners in the same classroom, instead of separating students according to their learning abilities (Schools & Programs in US). Deaf students can be mainstreamed in many different