The whole point of life is to love one another and enjoy yourself, and the goal for everyone to have fun at Halloween should certainly be no exception! We all want to feel great and look good when we go out, but many women allow their negative self-talk to get in the way by worrying whether they look "fat," whether "their butt looks big," etc. This can seriously reduce the amount of fun you can have at Halloween! Remember there are always many more things to appreciate about your physique than there are to dislike, so focus on those things, put on your costume, add a long black cape, and head out that door to take Gotham City by storm! Here are a few things to consider as you get ready to head out on the town this Halloween: Other people see you the way you see yourself. Allowing yourself to feel powerful, sexy, or beautiful allows other people to see you this way, too. Remember that the Magic of Halloween cloaks everything and everyone. …show more content…
Even people who are normally can find themselves dropping their negativity as others accept them for who they are, making it easier for them to accept others as THEY are.
If you are still concerned about what "other people might say," come up with a couple come-backs you can use on the spot in the unlikely instance that someone is rude. Keep it light and fun. It might be a non-sequitor like, "The PeeWee Herman records are for sale down the street," or, "Gee, thanks; I WAS off all my medication." I'm sure you can come up with something better!
Give yourself an internal mental cue you can use to raise confidence whenever you want them. First recall a time when you felt really powerful. Let all the details of the time, place, surroundings, light, scents, sounds, etc. surface and become vivid in your mind, including all the feelings, the way you were breathing at the time, the way you were standing or sitting. At the high point of this re-experiencing exercise, implement a gesture to associate with these feelings, like licking your lips. Mentally decide that in the future, whenever you lick your lips, all the feelings of confidence now available to you will surge forth. This really works if you give it some practice. Take some time in the days before Halloween to identify what you really do appreciate about yourself. Don't focus on your shortcomings; we all have them. Instead, celebrate your good points. Figure out what your best features are, and then come up with ways to play them up. Start talking to yourself. I