To get ready to learn, I always kept on topic when discussing our project. During the interview, I made sure that all of the setup was proper in a sense that everyone would be able to be seen. I also did a couple test runs to make sure that the videotaping process would run smoothly. Things that got in the way of my learning or got in the way of completing my best work would be my recent sports injury, which has taken a lot of possible project time out of my schedule as I’ve been rushing it to get better. Things that have also gotten in the way as a group, is that Jake and Andrew both have jobs that can sometimes take up some of their time both on weekends and weekdays which can make some tasks take a bit longer than usual. Reflecting back on the past couple weeks, I really understood what I was learning by my ability to actually describe my findings with my parents so far and kind of have a non-videotaped interview with them as well to get their point of views as well. This differs from my last Metacognitive Journal as my parents have also done research so they can have more input on what I have to
To get ready to learn, I always kept on topic when discussing our project. During the interview, I made sure that all of the setup was proper in a sense that everyone would be able to be seen. I also did a couple test runs to make sure that the videotaping process would run smoothly. Things that got in the way of my learning or got in the way of completing my best work would be my recent sports injury, which has taken a lot of possible project time out of my schedule as I’ve been rushing it to get better. Things that have also gotten in the way as a group, is that Jake and Andrew both have jobs that can sometimes take up some of their time both on weekends and weekdays which can make some tasks take a bit longer than usual. Reflecting back on the past couple weeks, I really understood what I was learning by my ability to actually describe my findings with my parents so far and kind of have a non-videotaped interview with them as well to get their point of views as well. This differs from my last Metacognitive Journal as my parents have also done research so they can have more input on what I have to