There are several learnings that Google implemented in their HR practices.
Shift to Data-Based People Management decision
• Google realized that for a company that dominates its respective spectrum by its focus and implementation on continuous innovation, it has to shift to people management.
• The current practices of HR was 20th century principles, and risk averse instincts
• Google came up with a new system and termed it as ‘People’s Analytics’.
• The bedrock of innovation is people, so in order to have a complete maximization of the output of your innovation, you have to retain and keep recruiting innovators.
• The basic principle that was in work at Google was that you can’t produce superior business results …show more content…
The most fundamental difference between other firms and Google is that at other firms HR functions are called Human Resources but at Google its called ‘People’s Operations’
• All the decisions at Google are based on Data and analytics
The team directly reports to the VP, and has a member deployed in all the major HR functions. It takes help of different set of survey and data analytics to provide recommended actions and to dissuade the use of opinions on decision making and to focus more on the data and …show more content…
The value of the top performers convinces the top executives to allocate resources to develop and train those exceptional talents
Workplace design drives collaboration and synergy : Google found that increased innovation comes from 3 attributes : discovery, collaboration and fun. Therefore everything is done to maximize the learning, fun and collaboration.
The focus on Google is on more hands on learning than the classroom learning, it rotates the employee on different project, to learn from their failures.
Data is King: Google doesn’t dictate the results, it just shows the analysis and instead of forcing anything on the manager, it acts as an internal consultant based on data and then recommends the action to overcome the issue.
Google not only is a competitor as a talent headhunter at the top level, it basically is a talent magnet for every job family as google employs in every sector imaginable, and Google doesn’t belive in continuous improvement but in building a product 10 times better than the competition, and a 1000% improvement in the existing processes as that require complete rethinking of the