In this exercise also demonstrate of the complexity of human beings who has different identities not only in race or ethnicity, also the identification in affection orientation, gender and ally are really important to know and respect. It is the case of the Normal movie where the different intersectionalities are in the context and show how the binary is more complex and questionable. My sister said we have white and black, but we need …show more content…
Roy confronted Irma and society that about their feels a different gender identification. Roy decides to get the surgery to change their sex. Roy investigated in literature and studies what happened in surgery to change the biological sex. Roy wants to live with their family, but they do not change their mind about the surgery. Then, Roy changes little by little to people assimilate those changes that it is an important consideration for their person. Also, it is a form to self-preservation that it is important of the transformation to a new form to interact and …show more content…
Roy claimed that loves their family and nothing changed their feelings to Irma. As mention Rebecca Juro: “ (frequent) ignorance of the difference between sexual orientation, the gender of the person one is sexually and romantically attracted to, and gender identity that doesn’t fit neatly into either of those social constructed boxes.” (p. 283).It is common to hear that people has to follow this patrons and I remember Irene tell us that nature does not require us to be a certain way, but people require to be labeled or classify ourselves.
Also the affection for their kids is really interesting because Patty has a sense that zer gender identity is not the same as one of zir parent demand to be. Roy is aware about their young child feelings, but Irma is more aware about what society talk about zir young child. Also, Roy wants to have a way of communication with their older child. The letter sent Roy to their older child is a form that their transition do not change their love for their children, but Wayne is surrounding with the dominant discourse of what it is supposed to be and what it is