“In 1703 he was appointed violinist-composer for Hamburg’s German opera” (Smith). Handel later began working for King George 1 and his royal court. In 1717, the King requested for Handel to construct a “lyrical evening of water-themed opera, otherwise known as Water music” (Vertical Player). This piece was played outside while King George and his company traveled on a boat across the Thames River. The first two movements of the piece are the Allegro and Overature. This part is pleasant and masterful, unlike the other movements. The next movements are the Air, then the Bourree, and it ends with a hornpipe. The second suite begins with an Allegro, furthering on by another hornpipe. “This swatch of music has become, perhaps one of Handel’s most popular melodies up …show more content…
It was so successful that he held a concert there every year for the rest of his life. Later on, the hospital awarded him by making him governor of Foundling Hospital. Adding to that, Handel donated to a charity that helped struggling musicians and their family. Throughout time, G.F. Handel’s eyesight became worse and nothing was helping. Although he was not doing well, Handel continued to conduct and give organ concerts. 17,593,000 people attended his funeral in Westminster Abbey (Music