I hear the sound again but this …show more content…
I walked into the castle and looked around. There was a lot of spirits floating around. Not long after I looked around the room, I saw the same creature that chased me and strangled me. He came closer and picked me up far off of the grave and in the blink of an eye we were in some sort of obstacle course and at the end was a portal that was labeled “Portal To The Overworld” I suspected that was the way home. The creature put me down and as soon as it did that a spirit popped up right in front of my face. I jumped about 5 feet away from it. It started speaking to me. “Hello child…” It spoke in a raspy tone. “H-hi,” I stuttered. “I am ZOZO, The one over there is Slenderman,” ZOZO said pointing at the tall creature behind me. It suddenly got colder in the room, I kept getting chills down my back with the feeling that someone was watching me. Other than ZOZO and …show more content…
“O-Ok,” I replied. Alright, there are 3 bone chilling obstacles you have to complete to get home, The first is what I like to call the Skull pit. You’re going to have to jump over the lava pit on top of skulls.” ZOZO explained. I nod and walk up to the first obstacle in front of me. I jump onto the first skull and notice how small the skulls are. I soon realized that this was not going to be easy one bit, After I don’t even know long I made it across all of the lava. Slenderman popped up on the right side of me and ZOZO popped up on the left side of me. Slender pushed me towards a whole bunch of tall trees and motioned for me to go into the mini forest. As I entered the forest I immediately regretted it but I knew I had to get home. There was hundreds of zombies chasing me, I got so tired after only 10 minutes of running but I knew the zombies were right behind me so I kept running. Ignoring the pain from my side and