The same type of movement needs to be established in all countries since “The contamination problem in food safety is still a major concern not only for developing countries but also for the industrialized world. To guarantee the food safety, the advanced examination technique is needed urgently. However, the traditional methods have some typical drawbacks which include: high costs of implementation, long time of analysis and low samples throughput, and the need for high qualified manpower” (Yali 2009). The process of getting to our goal is not through just wishing it to happen rather proper investigation, experimentation, and the sheer will of our …show more content…
Mercury and the natural bacteria that exists in animals already are major factors whilst considering this. Mercury is typically a harmful toxin that occurs in fish; therefore, making the importance of the supervision of how much fish one consumes and the contamination levels of the fish (Burger and Gochfeld, 2009). The toxin contained in mercury is built up and it mostly is seen in fish and shellfish but can be contracted by animals if they eat the damaged fish thus creating the chain reaction that leads directly to humans. Furthermore, basic animals can generally either contain microorganisms, such as bacteria or parasites, or toxic substances that make them unfit for consumption (Cunha, 2014). For this issue, an excess of recognition and information on how to prevent such exposure both to ordinary citizens and the employees/farmers that take care of animals who are specifically raised for food purposes and who catch the fish that are possibly