Contamination levels would vary with hospital location, medical rehabilitation ward has higher levels than other wards. Finally, simple hand washing before patient care, without hand antisepsis, is also associated with higher colony counts another important issue for medical personnel is also…
As a former athlete I am always looking for food on the go. I was never a big McDonalds, Burger or Wendy’s person, but two places that I have loved since my first bite are Chipotle and Chick-Fil-A. Both are places that I would eat at on a weekly basis, at minimum. This ended in October 2015. There were two separate outbreaks of the bacteria were investigated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service and public health officials in several states. In the first outbreak 55 people were infected by the foodborne illness in 11 states, of which 21 were hospitalized.…
Last but not least, my final point of comparison is tone. Tone is essentially the attitude of a piece of writing, a person, or a situation. The tone of Runaway is very despairing whenever Holly thinks about her mom. When Holly even writes about her mom, in her journal, she starts to cry. She usually is spunky, even when on the run.…
In 1980, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh came to Oregon in hopes to spread love and enlightenment. However, on September 17, 1984 a report was filed to the Wasco County Health Department regarding a food poisoning at local restaurant in a town called The Dalles. Reports of food poisoning kept coming and within a week there were 750 cases of illness. The Centers for Disease Control, or also known as CDC, later determined that the poisoning was not linked to poor worker hygiene, but was a deliberate attack by a group.…
In the 2017 outbreak they closed down 43 restaurant even though only 8 were known as the cause to thoroughly clean and disinfect everything. In Sam Blum’s article he stated “CEO Steve Ells leading the conference with opening remarks. “The food safety incidents of 2015 revealed that our food safety program needed to be more robust,” he said. “It became clear that we were focused too much on building cultures that didn’t drive the results we were expecting.” CEO Steve Ells stated basically that they take full responsibility that they did not get the results they were…
Throughout this course we have been discussing the Chipotle crisis, and unfortunately its not quite over yet. This past Tuesday, five students of Miami University in Oxford Ohio came into the schools medical center complaining about stomach pains, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. These five students, along with more unidentified cases tested positive for the Norovirus, which is a common cause of food-borne diseases. Norovirus being the same virus thats been a reported an outbreak at Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc across the United States in the past several months. According to this article, this very affects about 21 million people in the U.S each year, causing between 570-800 related deaths.…
In Eric Schlosser’s, Fast Food Nation, Schlosser says, “Roughly thirty-five million pounds of ground beef produced at the Columbus plant -- enough meat to provide every single American with a tainted fast food hamburger -- was voluntarily recalled by Hudson Foods in August of 1997” (Schlosser 194). Even though this occurred about nineteen years ago, it is still a problem today. In the news, Chipotle has also been traced with E Coli and the meat has been recalled. It is scary thinking that even after all these years, there can still be traces of E Coli in fast food restaurants today.…
Pet Peeve essay Everyone has pet peeves. People have something that annoys them. It can be a person, a sound, a thing that makes you feel annoyed. I have several pet peeves that bother me.…
Raw or unwashed foods share portions of germs in relation to our hands, so does the cutting board we use daily in the kitchen preparing some of our best memories during our lifetime. One leaf of lettuce that’s been washed or bake cookies coming out of the oven and hitting the floor have fewer chances of making you ill according to both science and family beliefs. So the next time, you pick up food that’s dropped to the floor know without a shadow of doubt the floor does have bacteria that’s capable of transferring to the food you’re about to…
In November of 2015, some of Chipotle Mexican Grill’s chain restaurants suffered from an E. coli outbreak that contaminated their products. About 50+ customers in 11 states have fallen ill because of this issue (Kennedy, 2016). Around 20 of those were even hospitalized due to the seriousness of the outbreak. The Chipotle team decided to endorse a Crisis Management plan in order to clear their name to the public. Chipotle closed 43 of its restaurants that were suspected to be affected so they could be sanitized, and investigate the source of the E. coli.…
In 2009, the United States experienced a national crisis when the Peanut Corporation of America (PCA) was linked to a salmonella outbreak, which resulted in deaths, illnesses, and the recall of thousands of products. The recall consequences were not only felt by PCA but also by large food companies including Kellogs, Petsmart, and General Mills. After the initial outbreak, investigations revealed a series of unethical practices including deplorable physical environments, poor working conditions, and lack of food safety.…
Everyone has experienced a bad lunch. Lunches can be unhealthy, but that is a person’s decision. Students in public schools are sometimes forced to eat the lunch in the school cafeteria due to financial reasons, but public school lunches aren’t considered the healthiest. Arkansas has been known to serve unhealthy school lunches. Arkansas public school students aren’t receiving healthy lunches because public schools don’t follow the federal guidelines; therefore, it is important that these institutions provide healthier lunches to promote health and wellness for this population.…
Kwame Anthony Appiah’s article “The Case for Contamination” focuses on the interconnected issues involving cultural diversity, ethical obligations, and increased globalization. Appiah is a compelling advocate for Cosmopolitanism, an ethical principle that aims to institute universality and collective values across individuals to form a single community. Unlike his book “Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers,” the article focuses less on the ideology of Cosmopolitanism and more about the increased occurrence of globalization. Appiah constructed an argument that religion can be utilized as a safeguard for culture during times of globalization. Religion assists individuals in preserving their unique cultural customs while being subjected…
The other foods had a high percentage of attack rates too, but it does not stated that they did not have cole slaw as well as those food. By looking at the group that did not eat it, the low rate means that there were fewer people who got ill who did not eat cole slaw, while those that ate it got ill. Therefore, the source of the outbreak was indeed the cole slaw that was served in the restaurant. That means that population that was affected is university students who had cole slaw at that…
When chefs are constantly working fast, unexpected incidents often happen but chefs are expected to continue through these times. In the kitchen, physical health problems do not serve as an excuse to stop cooking. Dixon describes an incident that occurred in the kitchen when he burned himself: “[I] reached for a new pan and pulled it toward me. It had been out of the oven for barely sixty seconds. I felt a sensation that I described later as being “blue” and a scream run from my fingers up my arm.…