The most modern and up to date information we have establishing the dating for this flood is 3519 BC. This date is based on chronological anchor points no less than 300 to 400 years prior to the flood of Noah, around the time of Abraham, yet with much greater validity a little over a millineum after this flood during the Exodus of 2447 BC, the end of the first kingdom period of Egypt. The biblical basis for this dating method is in the correction of I Kings 6:1 which reads 480 years but is actually 1,480 years between the Exodus and the foundation poured for Solomon's Temple (2447 BC to 967 BC = 1480 years. This is evident in the accounting of the 'Judges' before Israel's first king Saul in the Bible.
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If the flood that Noah endured covered the whole earth then everyone would have had to have descended from one of the three sons of Noah; Shem, Ham and Japheth. These three sons may have been triplets but even if they weren't there isn't any indication in the Bible that they had different mothers and thus, all three sons of Noah would have to be of the same racial distinction. Furthermore, why bother to give a genealogical account all the way back to Adam if everyone was from Noah anyway? (Luke 3:23-38)
If everyone are descendants of Noah it would require that each son of Noah would have had to have a wife that was of a different race; white, black and Mongolian. This is never suggested in the Bible either. You would have to make that assumption! Also, if this flood covered the 'whole earth' then the only explanation as to where the water drained off to would have to be that it was soaked up by the earth itself because there wouldn't be anywhere for the water to drain off to. A universal world wide flood obviously has some insurmountable challenges biblically, historically, archaeologically and scientifically but that doesn't make the story of Noah and the flood a