The advantages and disadvantages of overdenture compared with fixed prosthesis are: advantages - less implants, better aesthetic outcome, easy to care for and clean, improved peri-implant probing, can be removed at night to decrease the risk of nocturnal parafunctional overload, lower cost, easier to repair, and can be used as a provisional or temporary prosthesis until the permanent fixed prosthesis is fabricated; disadvantages - psychological factor (since it is a removable device), space required to accommodate the necessary bulk for the tissue bar and any retaining clips, long-term maintenance, continuous posterior bone loss, food impaction, and movement(20). On the …show more content…
Finite element analysis showed that the fixed prosthesis supported by four implants have less forces on abutment implant connection, bone, and mucosa than the removable overdentures supported by the same number(23). A study of 50 patients over six year showed that patients satisfaction of fixed prosthesis retained by six implants was 92% , meanwhile in the overdenture supported by two implants it was 80% (24). No statistical difference in the masticatory performance between the fixed and removable mandibular implant prosthesis when done on 30 edentulous patients over years (25). There is no current data published would be interesting to see the recent development internationally concerning the choice between overdenture or fixed prosthesis in implant treatment of the edentulous mandible(26). However, several factors play a role in the decision between fixed and removable implant dentures, such as oral hygiene, costs and patient preference. Clinical factors that may prohibit a fixed restoration are mostly related to bone or soft tissues deficiencies. In this instance, rehabilitation can be done by hybrid prostheses(27). For the overdenture, 10mm interocclusal space must be